Recent Water Damage Posts

Preventing Bacterial Growth After Water Intrusion

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage For professional water damage restoration services, contact SERVPRO.

Water intrusion in your home can lead to more than just structural damage – it can also create a breeding ground for bacteria. From burst pipes to leaky roofs, any source of water intrusion poses a risk to your health if not addressed promptly and effectively. At SERVPRO®, we understand the importance of preventing bacterial growth after water damage. Here are some crucial steps to safeguard your home and loved ones:

  • Act Fast: Time is of the essence when dealing with water intrusion. The longer water sits, the greater the chance of bacterial growth. As soon as you notice any signs of water damage, such as wet spots on walls or ceilings, musty odors, or damp carpets, take immediate action.
  • Dry Thoroughly: Proper drying is key to preventing bacterial growth. Use fans, dehumidifiers, and if necessary, professional water extraction services to thoroughly dry affected areas. Pay close attention to hidden spaces like wall cavities and under flooring, where moisture can linger unnoticed.
  • Disinfect: Once the area is dry, it's essential to disinfect thoroughly. Use EPA-approved disinfectants to kill any bacteria that may have already begun to multiply. Focus on high-risk areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements, where water intrusion is most common.
  • Inspect and Repair: After addressing the immediate water damage, it's crucial to identify and repair the source of the intrusion to prevent future incidents. Inspect your plumbing, roof, and foundation regularly for any signs of leaks or weaknesses, and address them promptly.
  • Maintain Proper Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential for preventing moisture buildup, which can lead to bacterial growth. Ensure that your home is adequately ventilated, especially in areas prone to humidity, such as bathrooms and kitchens. Consider installing exhaust fans or dehumidifiers if necessary.
  • Monitor Indoor Humidity Levels: Keep an eye on indoor humidity levels and take steps to maintain them within a healthy range (ideally between 30-50%). Excessive humidity can promote bacterial growth and other issues like mold and mildew.
  • Seek Professional Help: In cases of severe water damage or suspected bacterial contamination, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Companies like SERVPRO specialize in water damage restoration and have the expertise and equipment to ensure thorough cleaning and disinfection.

By taking these proactive measures, you can minimize the risk of bacterial growth after water intrusion and protect your home and family's health. Remember, when it comes to water damage, swift action and thorough attention to detail are key. Don't wait until it's too late – take steps to safeguard your home today.

For professional water damage restoration services, contact SERVPRO. We're here to help you restore your home to its pre-damage condition quickly and efficiently, so you can get back to enjoying a healthy, comfortable living environment.

How To Save Your Water-Damaged Electronics

12/18/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage to electronics can be a stressful and expensive ordeal. Whether it's a leaking pipe, a flooded basement, or an accidental spill, water can quickly render your electronic devices inoperable or cause irreparable damage. Knowing the do's and don'ts when handling water-damaged electronics can make all the difference in potentially salvaging your devices and preventing further harm. In this blog, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to properly handle water-damaged electronics, ensuring your best chances of recovery.

1. Safety First

Before attempting any actions on water-damaged electronics, prioritize your safety. Ensure that all power sources are disconnected, and avoid directly touching the device if it's wet to prevent electric shock hazards. If in doubt, consult a professional water damage restoration expert who specializes in electronics recovery.

2. Do Not Turn On or Plug In Wet Devices

This is a crucial step to prevent potential short circuits or further damage. Resist the temptation to power on your water-damaged electronics, as it may cause irreversible harm. Instead, remove batteries and power cords if applicable and keep the devices turned off until they can be thoroughly dried and professionally assessed.

3. Remove Excess Moisture

Gently blot any visible water with a clean, absorbent cloth or paper towel. Avoid using heat sources like hairdryers or sunlight, as they can further damage sensitive components. Do not attempt to disassemble the device, as it can void warranties and increase the risk of damaging internal parts.

4. Dry and Dehumidify

Place the water-damaged electronics in a well-ventilated area. To speed up the drying process, you can use moisture-absorbing products like silica gel packets or place the device in a bag with uncooked rice. However, professional electronic drying and dehumidification techniques are highly recommended to ensure thorough moisture removal.

5. Avoid DIY Cleaning

While it can be tempting to clean water-damaged devices, it's best to leave the cleaning to the professionals. DIY attempts may cause more harm than good, as improper cleaning agents or techniques can further corrode and damage sensitive components.

6. Consult a Professional Electronics Restoration Service

For the best chances of recovering your water-damaged electronics, contact a professional electronics restoration service like SERVPRO® of Beverly Hills/Westwood. Trained technicians have the expertise, specialized tools, and facilities to assess the extent of damage, clean and restore electronics, and recover valuable data if possible.

Handling water-damaged electronics requires caution and expertise to maximize your chances of recovery. Remember to prioritize safety, refrain from turning on wet devices, remove excess moisture, dry and dehumidify properly, avoid DIY cleaning attempts, and consult a professional electronics restoration service for the best results. At SERVPRO®, we understand the value of your electronics and offer expert electronics restoration services to help salvage and restore your water-damaged devices.

If you need professional electronic restoration services for water-damaged devices, contact SERVPRO® today. Our knowledgeable technicians are equipped with the latest technology and expertise to handle and recover your electronics effectively. Trust us to restore your valuable devices and get them back in proper working order.

Proactive Plumbing: Preventing Issues in Your Beverly Hills Home or Business

7/13/2023 (Permalink)

Plumbing problems can be a major headache, causing inconvenience and potential damage to your Beverly Hills property. Being proactive about plumbing issues is crucial for maintaining a smoothly functioning plumbing system. In this blog post, we will explore effective strategies and tips for preventing plumbing issues in your luxurious Beverly Hills home or high-end business. By taking proactive measures, you can protect your valuable property and avoid unexpected plumbing emergencies.

Regular Inspections

Regular inspections are essential for identifying potential plumbing issues before they become costly problems. Hire a professional plumber who specializes in serving the Beverly Hills area to conduct comprehensive inspections of your plumbing system at least once a year. They will carefully examine your pipes, fixtures, and appliances to check for leaks, corrosion, and signs of wear and tear. Timely identification of these issues can prevent disruptions and save you from expensive repairs. Additionally, inspect visible plumbing fixtures, such as designer faucets and luxurious showers, for any signs of leaks or drips and address them promptly.

Proper Maintenance

Maintaining your high-end plumbing system is crucial for its longevity and flawless operation. Schedule routine maintenance tasks like cleaning drain lines, flushing water heaters, and inspecting and repairing any worn-out seals or gaskets. Hire plumbers who are experienced in working with luxury properties to ensure the highest level of care for your Beverly Hills home or business. Regularly clean or replace designer faucet aerators and showerheads to maintain their performance and aesthetics. Consider installing high-quality water softeners or filtration systems to protect your exquisite plumbing fixtures and pipes from the effects of hard water.

Watch Your Water Usage

Mindful water usage is not only environmentally responsible but also essential for preserving the opulence of your Beverly Hills property. Avoid excessive water pressure that may strain your pipes and fixtures by installing pressure regulators. Educate your family members or employees about water-saving practices, such as using efficient appliances and fixtures, fixing any dripping designer faucets promptly, and minimizing water wastage. Additionally, discourage flushing items like wipes, sanitary products, or paper towels down the toilet to prevent clogs and maintain the pristine condition of your luxury plumbing system.

Winter Preparations

Beverly Hills may not experience extreme winters, but it's still important to take precautions to protect your high-end plumbing system during colder months. Insulate exposed pipes to safeguard them from occasional chilly temperatures. Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses to prevent freezing and potential damage to your luxurious property. If you plan to be away during winter, set the thermostat to a minimum temperature to prevent frozen pipes and potential water damage. Ensure you hire skilled Beverly Hills plumbers who understand the unique needs of luxury properties and can provide tailored winterization services.

Taking proactive measures to prevent plumbing issues is crucial for maintaining the integrity and luxury of your Beverly Hills home or high-end business. Regular inspections, proper maintenance by skilled professionals, water conservation practices, and winter preparations are key strategies to avoid plumbing emergencies and protect your valuable property. By being proactive and investing in top-notch plumbing services, you can ensure the long-lasting beauty and flawless functionality of your prestigious Beverly Hills plumbing system.

5 Common Causes Of Water Damage In Commercial Properties

3/9/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage in a commercial building can cause extensive damage, significant financial losses, and long-lasting effects on your property. If you don't monitor for potential water damage, you may not be aware that there is an issue until it's too late. In this article, we'll discuss some common causes of water damage in commercial buildings so that you know what you can do to prevent future issues with your property.

Leaking Roof

When it comes to commercial properties, roof leaks are a common cause of water damage. Roof leaks can be caused by a number of different factors and can result in wide-ranging damage, such as mold growth, ceiling damage, and fire hazards. If you see signs that your roof may be leaking, it's important to get it inspected by a professional right away so that they can address any problems and prevent further damage.

Here are some common signs that your commercial property's roof may have a leak:

  • Damp ceiling, walls or floors
  • Mold growth on interior surfaces

Pipe Damage

Pipes can be damaged by freezing and corrosion. The freezing of water in pipes causes them to crack or burst, which can cause significant damage to your business. Corrosion on the other hand is a gradual process that occurs over time when there are minerals present in water. These minerals will build up inside the pipe wall causing it to weaken over time until eventually, it bursts due to the pressure of water passing through it.

You should also be aware that leaking valves may cause significant problems for your business too. If you have an old valve installed in your property then there's a chance that this could start leaking at any point - potentially resulting in severe flooding throughout the building!

Sprinkler Malfunctioning

Sprinkler systems are a common cause of water damage in commercial properties. They're designed to detect and prevent fire, but they can malfunction and cause water damage if they aren't properly maintained. When they malfunction, they can quickly dump large amounts of water inside your property.

Sewage Backup

Sewage backup can be caused by a number of different factors. The most common cause is a blocked or broken drain, but it can also be caused by heavy rainwater. If you suspect that your property has been damaged by sewage backup, it's important to act quickly before the damage becomes more severe.

Sewage backup can cause serious damage to your property--not only does it smell bad, but the water is grossly unsanitary! To prevent this type of water damage in commercial properties, have regular maintenance checks done by a reliable plumber.

Leaking Air Conditioning Systems

When it comes to water damage, there are several common causes. One of the most common is a leaky air conditioning system. Air conditioning units can be prone to leaks due to their age and exposure to outdoor elements such as rain and wind--or even just regular wear and tear over time.

How do you know if your air conditioner is leaking? If you notice any of these signs, then it's worth investigating further:

  • Your utility bills are higher than normal
  • You see moisture around the unit (in particular, look for discolored or moldy walls or floors)
  • You see water dripping from vents in your home

There are a number of different causes of water damage in commercial properties, and it's important that you keep an eye out for these signs so you can get your building back to normal as soon as possible. Regular maintenance is the key to preventing a major water damage event from occurring on your property. If you discover a water loss on your property, it's best to contact a professional. They will be able to inspect your building and determine exactly what went wrong and clean up the damage.

What Three Types of Contaminated Water Are There?

11/17/2022 (Permalink)

clear water standing in a room, water damage in a room Water damage in Beverly Hills/ Westwood area

What Type of Water You Have and How To Deal With It

Water damage is one of the most common problems faced by homeowners and business owners. It can come from many sources, including pipes that burst or broken appliances. SERVPRO of Beverly Hills/Westwood specializes in water damage restoration, the cornerstone of our business. We have handled all types of water damage, so we're here to help you understand what type of water you have and how to deal with it quickly and professionally.

What Are the Water Damage Categories?

To properly deal with contaminated water, it's important to know what category of water you're dealing with. Categories 1 and 2 are considered clean water, while category 3 is considered contaminated. Here are the three different categories:

Category 1—Clean Water: This includes runoff from rain or snow, as well as fresh groundwater that has not been contaminated by human activity. It can also include any other type of liquid that hasn't encounter any contaminants.

Category 2—Contaminated Water: This category includes all types of liquids affected by human activity, such as rivers adjacent to factories or sewers. This type of damage is often referred to as "blackwater.”

Let's look at the three categories in more detail:

Category 1 water is clean water such as a leaking faucet or supply line, or broken appliance. If untreated, Category 1 can quickly degrade into Category 2 or 3.

Category 2 water is contaminated with harmful microorganisms and/or chemicals that can cause illness if ingested. This type of contamination could be present in your home's private well system, as well as any municipal supply lines that have become damaged by recent weather events.

Category 1 Water is clean water such as a leaking faucet or supply line, or broken appliance. If untreated, Category 1 can quickly degrade into Category 2 or 3.

A leaky faucet is one of the most common sources of contaminated water in the home. A leaking tap will typically drip between 0.5 and 5 gallons per minute depending on its severity and how long it has been leaking. Leaks that occur over longer periods of time will likely cause higher volumes of wastewater to flow into your drainpipes than those that are repaired quickly after detection.

Category 2 Water has some degree of contamination.

Category 2 water damage is the next level down. While it still requires immediate attention, this type of water damage is not as serious as category 3 and should be handled by a professional contractor so that you don’t spread any contaminants further into your home.

Category 2 water can be caused by a variety of situations, such as a toilet overflow with some urine or feces, or a washing machine overflow. Category 2 also includes other incidents like broken pipes that are not directly connected to sewage lines but have seeped into or leaked out of the home’s walls, ceilings, and floors.

Category 3 Water is grossly contaminated from an outside source. 

Category 3 water can include sewage, seawater, or floodwater: This type of contamination can come from sewage backups in your basement and other locations in your house. Flooding can also cause this type of contamination by mixing with storm runoff and groundwater seepage in the basement through a crack in the foundation or opening around a pipe. Heavy rains can also cause this type of contamination if not enough water is diverted away from structures before it reaches them.

SERVPRO Beverly Hills/Westwood specializes in water damage restoration.

The cornerstone of our business is the extensive water damage restoration training we give our technicians, which emphasizes regular monitoring and documentation of the drying process from beginning to end.

In addition, SERVPRO’s process emphasizes regular monitoring and documentation of the drying process from beginning to end.

SERVPRO is here to help you with all your water damage needs. We have a team of highly trained professionals who can handle any situation, and we offer 24/7 emergency services for our customers in Beverly Hills/Westwood area.

Why Is There a Puddle Around My Toilet?

7/31/2022 (Permalink)

Why Is My Toilet Surrounded by a Puddle?

Happily, for most homeowners, toilets are one of the most reliable fixtures in the home. Sometimes, these essential items in the home will last upwards of 40 years. During all that time, the humble bowl only requires a little bit of care. Once in a while, however, you may run up against one of these situations:

  • The flush handle becomes loose
  • The toilet becomes clogged
  • The flapper valve wears out or gets damaged
  • Water leaks around the base of the toilet

For most of these situations, the repair is pretty straightforward, but what can you do when faced with a leaking toilet?

Act Quickly

No matter what the cause of a bathroom leak, it could lead to an expensive visit from Westwood, CA, water damage restoration crews. Your best defense against extensive repairs and remodeling is acting quickly to correct the situation.

Leaky Wax Gaskets

A leak at the base of the toilet is usually the result of a worn-out wax seal. Use a towel to mop up the water on the floor and watch for water seeping from under the toilet. If the water comes from a different location, the problem could be a cracked tank, sweaty bowl, leaky shutoff valve, or a loose tube somewhere.

Try Tightening the Bolts

Sometimes, it's possible to apply more pressure on the wax ring by tightening up the bolts that hold the toilet in place. Tighten the bolts alternately, using consistent, gentle pressure. If the leak stops, you probably don't have to take any other steps. If the leaking toilet continues to be a problem, you'll need to replace the wax gasket.
This repair generally involves removing the toilet and, unhooking tubes and hardware, replacing the wax seal, and then putting everything back together. If you aren't comfortable doing these repairs on your own, you can hire a Westwood, CA, professional to fix the leaking toilet.

Essential Steps for an Effective Sewage Cleanup

5/18/2022 (Permalink)

Sewage Cleanup

The last thing you want to experience in your home is some sort of sewage spill, but it does happen. This serious situation calls for a rapid response from an experienced water restoration company in your town of Century City, CA. A team of highly-trained and certified technicians will arrive quickly and get to work restoring your home to its original condition. They will follow a proven sewer cleanup protocol that prioritizes safety and minimizes damage to your home and its contents.

The Sewer Damage Restoration Process
Once a crew arrives at your home, they will immediately begin to assess the situation. In the case of a sewer backup, the workers will don the appropriate PPE, watch out for safety issues and contain the damage. They will come up with a plan, communicate with you and get your approval, and then follow through with some or all of the following actions:

  • Complete water removal through the use of vacuums and pumps
  • Thorough drying of impacted walls, flooring and other structures
  • Professional cleaning and sanitizing of tainted surfaces
  • Cleaning of salvageable personal items through advanced techniques
  • Restoration of damaged structures such as drywall and insulation

While a flooded toilet might impact a smaller area, the process remains similar. The crew has one main goal: restoring your home to its original condition.

The Sewer Cleanup Results
A professional job makes sure that there are no lingering smells in the home. It also makes sure areas are dried enough to prevent the future growth of mold, which can be a possibility after water damage. A quality contractor will also make sure to look at the reasons for the spill in the first place and make recommendations to prevent a recurrence.
A sewer cleanup can be a traumatic event for you as a homeowner. A professional job allows you to continue on with your life without lasting consequences.

4 Common Plumbing Issues in Commercial Bathrooms

3/6/2022 (Permalink)

Four Bathroom Plumbing Problems in Commercial Buildings

As a business owner, you know how serious plumbing issues can be. If one pipe break occurs, your business needs to shut down for repairs. Due to heavy use, commercial bathrooms are prone to certain issues. Here are the most common issues they experience.

1. Toilet Clogs

Any business' toilet is going to get used a lot. While they are designed for heavy use, they're still prone to clogs. Clogs in commercial buildings can be so much worse than those in a house. Plus, if they are not caught quickly enough, they can flood your restrooms. This can force you to hire water damage restoration professionals.

2. Leaks

If there are numerous bathrooms in your facility, leaking pipes and faucets can be a serious problem. While small leaks may not seem like a big deal, they can lead to a lot of wasted water over time and high increases in your utility bill. If you discover a leak, be sure to get it fixed as soon as possible.

3. Broken Toilet Handles

Excessive clogs are not the only thing that can be a problem with commercial toilets. They also are more likely to have a broken handle due to excessive use. To combat this, many companies decided to go with touch-free toilets. These can save money a lot of money by conserving water. However, if you are still using old school toilets, be warned that a broken handle can lead to more wasted water than leaking pipes.

4. Sewage Blocks

Another thing that's worse than leaking pipes is a sewage block in Westwood Village, CA. They can lead to foul smells throughout your business. This can drive away customers and ruin your relationship with your employees.
Some common problems to look out for in your commercial bathroom include a toilet backup, broken handles, sewage blocks, and leaks. If you find any of these, be sure to get them fixed quickly to protect your customer relationships and minimize your damage.

The Truth About Stainless Steel Braided Water Supply Lines in Your Bathroom

1/29/2022 (Permalink)

Bathroom supply line If you notice your supply line is leaking or it has already burst, immediately call a water damage specialist.

While many people incorrectly assume that supply line damage can’t occur to stainless steel braided lines, there are numerous unlucky individuals who have had to learn the hard way that this simply isn’t true. This situation can quickly lead to extensive water damage to your home in Century City, CA, especially if you are not home when the line breaks. Understanding why a bathroom supply line leak occurs and knowing what to do if the scenario does arise is important for preventing flooding and damage to your home.

Causes of Broken Supply Lines

If your braided supply line is broken and it’s causing a bathroom leak, there are a few reasons why it might have happened:

• Corrosion: Although stainless steel is resistant to many types of corrosion, it can be corroded over time by certain cleaning chemicals like Chlorine.

• Loose or Cracked Coupling Nuts: Since supply line nuts are often made from a cheap plastic, they are prone to cracking which can cause leaks.

• Crimp Points: The tubing underneath the stainless steel can be damaged due to bending the supply line or corrosion around the crimp collar.

How To Address Supply Line Damage

If you notice your supply line is leaking or it has already burst, immediately call a water damage specialist. If you know how, shut off the water supply immediately. If not, the specialist can turn it off for you when they arrive or direct you to do so over the phone. While waiting for the specialist to arrive, attempt to quickly dry up any water that has started building up in your home. It is important to note that many companies offer lifetime warranties for their supply lines, so take advantage of that to bring down the cost.

Dealing with stainless steel braided supply line damage in your bathroom is an extremely stressful situation that can damage your home. Knowing this ahead of time can help you prepare for the worst and know what to do if a leak does occur.